Travel in Spain

Why single out Spain on a coastal travel blog? Because I’ve been lucky enough to marry into a Spanish family and travel in Spain every year, looking for the best experiences in world-famous destinations like Madrid and Barcelona, all the way down to teensy waterfront villages with hard-to-pronounce Basque names.
It’s a tough gig, but someone has to do it.
Here you’ll find a number of stories on travel in Spain, both waterfront and occasionally not—because, frankly, there are thousands of stories to tell about a place this incredible, beautiful, and plentiful. I tell them from the perspective of someone who, while not a local herself, has traveled extensively with local guides. This gives me the benefit of seeing Spanish destinations as you would: with fresh eyes and an unmatched sense of wonder.
I’ve also created some handy travel guides and travel tips for Spain. Pour your favorite beverage and get comfortable. We’ve got a lot to cover.